Welcome to my renovated web site. Thanks for stopping by.
There is fiction and nonfiction collected here, all under the heading “Stories.” For me, stories are the way we learn, connect, and grow. And they are potent weapons against liars and tyrants.
This site includes a link to order my novel, Hannah’s Flight. (That’s designer Amy Manso’s cover art at the left.) You can also read the first chapter of my new historical novel, Thomas and Jane. Just go to the Long-Form Fiction tab.
Published and unpublished short stories are on the Shorter Fiction tab. Ordering info for my novella Myra’s Orbit is also available there. Selected journalism is, well, on the Journalism tab.A blog with updates and and writing process thoughts is below. Finally, please add your name to my mailing list on the “About the Author” tab.
What's New
“At Water’s Edge,” the selkie story
Finally, I finished a version of The Selkie Girl that I liked, and it was just published. Published (that amazing word) under the title “At Water’s Edge” by Rising Up Press. Read the full story...
Read MoreThe Selkie Girl
“The Selkie Girl” is a Celtic myth that I’ve played with repeatedly. Three seal sisters (“selkies”) shed their skin on land to sunbathe. A fisherman passing by steals the skin of one, forcing her to...
Read More“Thomas and Jane” coming soon–I hope
I’ve just completed a second novel. This one is historical fiction, titled Thomas and Jane, (or possibly The Puritans’ Children.) It’s about two people born at the very start of the American Revolution. My two...
Read MoreThe Origins of Wildfire Rose
In a short story I’m working on, “Beyond the Sky,” Rose is a 50-ish school district secretary who has to flee her California home as a wildfire gets way too close, too fast. I gave...
Read More“Michael L, Straight from Hell”
This short story about 1970s San Francisco was long-listed for the 2018 Fish Prize, an annual literary competition out of western Ireland. It’s about a city and time that hardly exist anymore–except powerfully in memory....
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